And here goes another year. Full of learning, fun and excitement. I hope everyone has come ready to work hard and do their best – I know I have.

Things to note about this week and next:

There will be many assessments done over the next week — these are to help me determine where you are at so I know where to begin and, subsequently, we can get where we need to go. These are not what your grades will be based on but, rather, a tool I use to help me develop the lessons and learning experiences we will have over the upcoming term. Your effort during these assessments as well as your ability to get back into the swing of MKES’ rules and procedures will also be used to determine your elegability for Leadership Camp NEXT TUESDAY!!

This week we will all need to get back into the grove = back to walking in the halls, following routines, getting to work quickly, completing assignments, and doing our best. Our virtue this week is courtesy and I look forward to seeing everyone demonstrating this throughout each day 🙂

You will be given forms for the office which must be returned ASAP

You will be given forms about leadership camp tomorrow and they need to be returned fully completed on THURSDAY!

Also, make sure you bring PE Equipment – we have gym tomorrow and Friday this week. I suggest you have these on hand every day as there are many sports teams and you just never know when we might take advantage of beautiful weather and use the outdoor classroom.

Please check in with this blog regularly as it has many resources for you to help with homework and overall learning, as well as a Keeping Track list so you don’t fall behind on assignments and posts to keep you informed about what is happening or will be happening in school and our classroom.

I am looking forward to an amazing year!

Ms. Keddy (aka Magkii Kwe)

PS ~ you can leave comments to any post which I will then be notified of — these will not show until I have approved them.

PSS ~ we now have a water bottle fountain – if you bring something that has a lid you are welcome to keep water at your desk 🙂