Don’t forget!!

Don’t forget that your Spooky Narrative is due tomorrow (you have had 3 weeks to work on this during the computer lab as well as for homework)ย asย  well as your virtue response for Flexibility!! You also have a spelling test — words were given out last Thursday to account for the fact that we hope to be setting up a Haunted Classroom this Friday for the school to enjoy on Monday.

ALSO!!!!! Friday is Jersey day!! Show your school and team spirit and wear your favourite Jersey — get points for your spirit teams ๐Ÿ™‚


Math quiz prep

Two things to remember about your Math quiz prep

  1. Make sure you try a few of each type of question so you are able to come tomorrow with questions if you need clarification and bring it back each day!
  2. A negative on an exponent and a negative on a number mean two very different things! For instance:

โ€“0.00036 = โ€“3.6 ร— 10โ€“4 ย  0.00036 = 3.6 ร— 10โ€“4 ย  36,000 = 3.6 ร— 104 โ€“36,000 = โ€“3.6 ร— 104

Don’t confuse these!

This week at a glance

Happy Tuesday everyone.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

Due to the short week we will not be having spelling words or a vocabulary word; instead we will be focusing on getting ready for our e-pals in Vietnam to “meet us” (virtually that is).

Tuesday: Anishiinabemowin is in our class this week; Mr. Fox will be in our room until 12:10 while I work on Cultural Enrichment initiatives for MKES; Touching Spirit Bear Chapters 3 and 4 (read as a class, questions to be completed in class — make sure you are using full sentences which begin with a capital and end with punctuation); Drum Group begins today – some who are not in drum group will be working in Ms. M’s room with learning buddies, others will be working to get caught up.

Wednesday: Gym (beep test/fitness); Computer lab – last block; Flagfootball game(s) @ Ramara Centre;ย Book Fair begins

Thursday: Cross-Country @ Mount St. Louis (leave at 8:30 – return at 3:30); Double Band period (middle block – since we’ve missed the last two due to scheduling conflicts);Book Fair (open until 5:00)

Friday: Virtue response due; Computer Lab; Gym; Book Fair (open until 5:00)

*NOTE: Zumba will begin next Monday during our 10:00 PE time.

**NOTE: Our Circles with Twobear will begin next Wednesday (11:20 start)

Exponents help


If you need a reminder at any timeย about exponents, please go to the following link: a written explanation as well as a video is provided.

You should also have a note in your Mathtionary from today to refer to. This is very important to understand when we move on to Scientific Notation. ๐Ÿ™‚


This week at a glance

WOW!! Where did September go??

Monday: Spelling homework for week two has been given and these words should be put in your agenda. Internet safety and etiquette workshop with Hoa to prepare for setting up your profile. CBT testing continued. No gym as it is still not available. Last week’s 3 paragraph virtue response is now homework and is due Wednesday; this week’s virtue is due Friday – please make sure you are using the 3 paragraph response outline. Homework tonight should also include studying for your Quiz on the provinces, territories and capitals of Canada which will be some time this week.

Tuesday: Sweat lodge teachings 9:10-10:30 in Anishinaabemowin classroom – you will be the role models during this so please make sure you are very respectful to our guest Elder Hector; Scientific Notation introduction; CBT testing continued; Drum Group

Wednesday: Gym; computer lab to finish up our profiles for Local Narratives of Global Citizenships; CBT testing continued

Thursday: Band with Ms. Letiec; CBT; second-last day with Hoa in the classroom until January ๐Ÿ™

Friday: Spelling and Vocabulary test; Anishinaabemowin homework due – she Anishinaabemowin homework page at top of header; Computer Lab; Ketchup time; Gym



A quick reminder that your spelling tests will be tomorrow as well as your vocabulary test.

Everyone received their spelling list on Monday (groups A-D based on the diagnostic assessment you did on your first day).

The puzzle is also due tomorrow.

The vocabulary test is based on this word’s “New Vocabulary Word” that was also handed out on Monday (one 8 1/2×11 page: the word is Lackadaisical)

Each week you will be given a new word and you are expected by the end of the week to be able to spell, define, state what part of speech the word is (Noun, adjective, verb, ect.), one Antonym (word that means the opposite), and a synonym (word that means the same).

Also keep in mind that you should be studying for the Geography test on Canada’s provinces, territories and capitals which will be some time next week. Furthermore, if you have items on the keeping track list that you have not completed then they are homework for you as they were not completed during the allotted classroom time. If at any time you are struggling to understand any work that you have taken home, remember to bring it with you to class the very next morning to discuss it with me and obtain clarification.


This week at a glance – tentative agenda

Welcome to week three. I hope you are all well rested after a very busy week at Leadership Camp; we have a very busy week ahead so you will need to bring your A game. ๐Ÿ™‚

Monday: Gym – volleyball and basketball; we have the computer lab — here you will be typing up your journals from leadership camp — focus on revising and improving (your journal was meant to help you document events, feelings, goals and how you were/or planned to demonstrate the Seven Grandfather teachings and the virtue Responsibility). Now you are working to improve your writing as much as possible (remember to use a thesaurus when possible and use a variety of sentence types). We will also have a special guest who will introduce the program she will be assisting us with this year — super excited about this and the possibilities that skyping in to a class in Taiwan all year will bring! ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Everyone will be given their spelling lists specific to the program you will be starting in — this is based on the assessment from two weeks ago and I’m looking forward to seeing each of you move beyond the program you begin in!

Tuesday: PICTURE DAY TODAY!! I am not able to tell you what time our class will have it’s pictures taken but make sure you keep this in mind when getting ready in the am. We will be starting our CBT (Canada Basic Testing today — an assessment of your Math, English and Science knowledge); our special guest will also be returning.

Wednesday: We have a professional Photographer coming in to do a workshop on photography. This will begin right after Anishinaabemowin and continue after first nutrition break. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ; computer lab and Gym will be outside at the end of the day – weather permitting (plan B is Wii Dance in the classroom)

Thursday: CBT testing continued; Health Fair visit – journal to accompany (Note taking practice and assessment — remember to get the details from each booth — who, what, why, statistics if relevant, interesting/important facts)

Friday: will be your first Spelling and Vocabulary quiz — remember that you will be required to spell and provide the definition of this week’s vocabulary work, and synonyms and antonyms for the word. Swearing in Ceremony at the Pow Wow grounds. continuation of our first week with Hoa ๐Ÿ™‚

Wow! That’s a lot but I know we can do it!!!

Don’t forget to keep up on your bellwork — if you do not have it completed it is homework. If you find yourself without homework at any time please take at least 20 minutes to silently read; also take some time to quiz yourself on Multiplication facts — the quicker these come to you the easier you will find many other math strands. Also take 10 minutes each night to review the provinces, territories and capital cities of Canada (there will be a quiz coming up in the next few weeks!)